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E Safety

The Internet is an amazing resource, overflowing with knowledge, games and communities of people. At Litherland Moss Primary School we make sure our pupils are aware of some of the risks to safety that are online and what to do to stay safe. We do so through computing and PSHE Jigsaw lessons, assemblies and workshops. We encourage parents/carers to talk to their children about how to behave safely when online, to ensure pupils remain safe when browsing at home. Staff are required to sign to state they have read and understood our Online Policy. The Child-Friendly ESafety Policy is displayed in all classrooms and areas of computer access.

We are committed to improving e-Safety not only in school but at home as well. If you would like to talk to a member of staff about any questions or concerns about Internet use in school or at home, don’t hesitate to get in touch. Also, read the Parents’ Guide to Technology published online by UK Safer Internet Centre.

safer internet - parents guide technology

We encourage parents to set up filtering on their home Internet. To learn how to do this for the major providers of the Internet please click the text below.

Setting up internet filtering and parental controls

We also suggest parents visit the website link below for up-to-date information on Facebook privacy settings, as whilst we know that no children under the age of 13 should be on Facebook if they are then they should be educated as to how to ensure they are safe.

internet safety - your sphere

If you have to report any inappropriate content, contact or conduct they encounter online to CEOP (Child Exploitation and Online Protection Centre) by visiting this page and clicking our report button below.

The websites below provide excellent clear guidance for children about E-Safety, so please click on the image and have a read.

Think you know is a fabulous web resource with information and guidance for parents, carers and teachers. It also has tailored content for children and young people. Interactive activities, videos and animation make this site a very useful one to explore together with you children.

Kidsmart is an excellent website to explore to help with all aspects of online safety, including chat, gaming and safe search. One of the most useful aspects of the site is that it gives you clear help videos on how to set up internet controls, check privacy settings and enforce safe searching on your home computers.

DirectGov provide information and advice about a range of issues relating to internet safety and cyber bullying. This site is particularly useful in relation to the material on legislation which protects children and young people from bullying. It also provides information on how to prevent children from becoming involved in illegal file sharing.

Here are links to some very helpful websites that may answer any queries or support

DfE advice for parents on cyberbullying here

DfE online parents support website called Parent Info here

NSPCC NetAware

Safer Internet


Internet Matters

E-safety units are taught as an integral part of our computing work. Here are the unit headings:

Computing curriculum – links to e-safety

Useful links:

What parents need to know about instagram

What parents need to know about Facebook Messenger

think you know

Bully watch is a site you can visit if you are worried about bullying (yourself or somebody else)

bully watch

The parent zone

the parent zone

Switch on families

virgin media - switched on families