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Welcome to our nursery

Providing children with the best possible start in life. 

Our class teachers are Miss Webster (Mon-Wed) and Mrs Barnes HLTA (Thurs-Fri)

Our teaching assistant is Miss Garner 

We hope that this page gives you all of the information about Nursery that you need, but of course if you require any further information please do not hesitate to speak to Miss Webster or contact the school office. 

We currently run 15 hour morning nursery sessions Monday to Friday 8:30am-11.45am and 30 hour sessions Monday to Friday 8:30am - 3pm. 

Litherland Moss Nursery is a warm and welcoming setting where children are happy to play and learn. The children join us at 3 years of age and quickly settle into their new surroundings. We plan enriching learning experiences which aim to inspire the child inside and outside of the classroom.

In Nursery we closely follow the EYFS framework. Our main focus when children start at 3 years of age is on the three prime areas of learning, including Communication and Language, Personal, Social and Emotional Development and Physical Development. These areas support learning in the four specific areas of development, including Literacy, Mathematics, Understanding the World and Expressive Arts and Design. The Characteristics of Effective Learning underpin all areas of learning and development in the EYFS. These are; Active Learning, Playing and Exploring and Creating and Thinking Critically.

Staff provide children with clear and consistent boundaries to promote positive behaviour. We teach the children to listen, be kind, to be gentle and to play safely. We also use ClassDojo to reward the children. We celebrate those children who are following our school values and for their wonderful achievements. 

Class Reminders:

Please ensure that your child has a spare change of clothes in their bag daily. 

Please ensure all clothing items are clearly labelled with your child’s name, including shoes.

Reading books are changed every Friday. Please try to read frequently with your child during the week and bring their book back every Thursday

Autumn 1 ~ Marvellous Me! 

This half-term we will be settling into Nursery life, our new routines and we will be building new relationships and making new friends. We will spend lots of time exploring our classroom and our outdoor area. We will enjoy learning and sharing stories about ourselves, our likes/dislikes and our special families. We will talk about how we are all different, unique and special in many ways. We will share and read many wonderful stories, such as 'Marvelous Me' by Lisa Bullard and 'What I Like about Me' by Allia Zobel-Nolan. Following this we will learn all about colour and what makes a beautiful rainbow. We will explore colour through fun and engaging activities, games, stories and colour hunts! 

In Maths, we will begin to explore number through lots of fun counting games and songs. We will also learn about some simple shapes and we will try and find some of these shapes in our nursery environment. 


      How you can support at home:

All of the fun activities that you do with your child at home are very important in supporting your child’s early learning and development.

  • Look at and read stories regularly with your child. Engage with your child and involve lots of questioning and discussion.
  • Try and pair matching socks together and encourage getting changed independently.
  • Sing number rhymes, such as Ten Green Bottles, Five Little Ducks, Five Currant Buns etc.
  • Allow them to help with measuring out ingredients when baking.
  • Collect natural objects to make pictures and collages e.g. nature collages, leaf printing etc.
  • Look at print in the environment e.g. road signs, labels, numbers on houses.
  • Engage in water play at bath time – filling and emptying containers and talking about capacity.
  • Allow your child to help with shopping.
  • Solve simple problems together e.g. how many scoops of sand will fill the bucket?

If you need any further help on how to extend your child’s learning at home, please pop in. We are always here for any advice that you may need!

What to expect when?

This document outlines all of your child’s areas of learning.  You can use this as a guide to see what the next steps are for your child:

Development Matters