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Year One

Our Class teacher is: Mr Gill.

Teaching Assistant: Mrs Richardson, Miss Gibson and Miss Evans.



At Litherland Moss we have a values driven approach to learning. 

Class Novel

This half term we have really enjoyed Beegu. We also have a special green friend in our class who your children will know!

Important information.

Reading books will be changed on Mondays. Please read regularly with your child at home to build fluency and comprehension skills. Encourage your child to use 'Fred talk' when sounding out new words - they are familiar with this way of reading in school.

Year 1 PE sessions take place on a Thursday afternoon. Please ensure that your child brings the correct kit every week.

Working at home

If you are looking for some extra work to do at home take a look at these websites. There are a range of fun activities for you to do.

Science: This half term in science the children will be learning about "Seasons". 

History: This half term in History we are looking at "My family". This will consist of the children exploring family trees and also learning about what "chronological" order is.


In the attachments you will find some QR codes. These consist of phonics set 2 speed sound videos. If you find a spare 10 minutes after school or on the weekends, it'd be massively useful for your child to engage with these videos as it helps their reading massively.

Another attachment is some projects that you could enjoy with your children to get a taste of the things that your child has been learning in school this year so far. You will be able to find these tasks below on an attachment, "Blooms Year 2 Autumn term homework".

Mr S Gill