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In the first instance teachers and teaching assistants assess pupils’ understanding as they work. Ongoing assessment, on a lesson by lesson, basis is important for us to ascertain who may need more help or who has clearly met objectives. Responsive intervention takes place during afternoon sessions (teachers and teaching assistants work with pupils individually and in small groups).

Formative assessment
Ongoing (formative) assessment is recorded using a data system called FFT. Staff use this as a log for pupils who have met an objective and use this to help plan lessons, target interventions and assist learning. Data is used by teachers and the leadership team half termly to ensure pupils are keeping up with curriculum demands.

Summative assessment
Summative assessments take place termly. These are tests and other assessments designed to give pupils an opportunity to show what they have learned, retained and what concepts and skills they can apply in unfamiliar problem solving contexts.

Parents receive written reports at the end of the school year. There are three formal opportunities for parents to view work and talk to class teachers about progress and attainment (October, February and July) but staff will discuss attainment and progress at any time during the school year at parent request.