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Year Six

Class teacher: Mr J Roberts

Teaching Assistant: Mr S Gill



Please find Year 6’s Curriculum overview for 2022/23 below.


Our main topic this half term: Mayans

This half term, we will be learning about the Mayans. We will learn about when the civilisation existed, what it was like to be a Mayan and how it came to an end. It will also link to our English topic this term as we will base our writing on a Mayan holiday brochure and story of a Mayan.


In science, our topic will be ‘Animals including Humans’ and learning about the heart and circulatory system. Throughout this topic we will learn about the physiology of the heart, how and why blood travels around the body and the importance of a healthy diet.

Important information.

Please sign your child’s reading record each evening. Regular reading helps children to develop their fluency and comprehension skills, and  in turn helps them to access the rest of the curriculum. Children may change reading books at school when they have finished them.

Children receive spellings on Fridays. The word lists are taken from the Read Write Inc. Spelling units which the children have completed that week, so you will notice common spelling patterns or rules. Some weeks they may be taken from the Year 5/6 statutory spelling list. A copy of this can be found below. These spellings should be practised daily.

Additional information

PE: This half term is gymnastics. These will take place on Friday mornings and could be either inside or outside so please provide appropriate clothing. The children will need their basic PE kit of a white t-shirt, shorts or jogging pants, and trainers or pumps.

Working at home

If you are looking for some extra work to do at home take a look at these websites. There are a range of fun activities for you to do.