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Year Three

Class teachers: Mrs. Donnelly & Mrs. Moran 

Teaching assistant: Mrs Naughton, Ms Rocher, Miss Davies



Please find below an overview of year three’s curriculum for 2023/24 and our weekly timetable for Autumn term.

At Litherland Moss we have a values driven approach to learning. Click the links below to discover our topics and the facts we will learn this half term.

This half term in Geography, our topic is Where am I in Europe?

This half term, our Science topic is Forces and Magnets.

The half term, our Art topic is painting and we will be studying the techniques and work of Georgia O'Keefe. 

Our current class read is The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe by C.S Lewis.

Important information:

During Autumn Term, PE is on Wednesday. Please ensure your child has their PE kit in school each week.

Reading books are changed on Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Please record that your child has engaged with their weekly home reading in their reading journal.

Our weekly spellings and times tables test is each Friday. Practice sheets go home every Friday with spellings and times tables for the following Friday.

Please practise times tables on Hit the Button or Purple Mash.

Helping at home

Children are expected to read daily at home. Through asking your children questions about their reading, you will help to develop their comprehension skills.

If you are looking for some extra work to do at home take a look at these websites. There are a range of fun activities for you to do.



Additional information

The following information gives further information about end of year expectations and makes links to our assessment systems.